ABS is pleased to announce the results of the interview process for the HR/Communication Officer position. We sincerely thank all participants for their interest and effort throughout the selection...
Ability Bhutan Society (ABS) has shortlisted candidates for the position of HR/Communication Officer. 📌 Click here for details:Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of HR
Ability Bhutan Society (ABS) is pleased to announce a vacancy for the post of HR/Communication Officer. General Requirements Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in Digital Marketing, Communications, Media Studies, or...
Click here for the TOR.ABS BMZ Project mid-term Evaluation_ToR_5th Feb’23
ABS is pleased to announce the interview results for the position of Social Worker. Please visit our website for further details.Interview Result (Social Worker)
ABS is pleased to announce the interview result of Assistant Accounts Officer.Click here for details. Interview Result for Accounts Officer