National Disability Conference

Ability Bhutan Society in collaboration with Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany and German Leprosy and TB Relief Association is organizing National Disability Conference on 1st and 2nd December 2021. It will be live streamed via ABS Facebook Page and in YouTube channel. Link to YouTube live stream
The inaugural session will be graced by Dasho Karma Tshering, Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of Education who is also the Chairperson of Ability Bhutan Society.
This conference is part of the on-going project “Social Inclusive Development for People with Disabilities in Bhutan” in 5 Dzongkhags in Bhutan. ABS is in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany and German Leprosy and TB Relief Association, Germany has started this pilot project in December 2018. The aim for the project is to identify the situation and number of people with disabilities in 5 Dzongkhags and to promote social inclusion at all levels in accordance to WHO CBR matrix – Health, Education, Livelihood, Social and Empowerment. The project strengthened the capacities and knowledge on disability among grass-root community health workers; Early Childhood Care and Development center facilitators; Teachers; Local Government leaders; Religious leaders and Parents /care givers on self-care awareness. The project is collaborating and involving all relevant government institutions and non-government organizations at the Dzongkhags and national level.