Kuenzang N Tshering
Executive Director
Mr. Kunzang N Tshering holds a Master in Arts (HRM) from the United Kingdom (UK) and has served more than 30 years in public services in various positions. He has served as Dzongda in Zhemgang, Bumthang, and Punakha, Chief of Protocol (CoP) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Director of the Department of Occupational Standards, among many other positions in the government. He brings a diverse profile of national working experiences with various agencies and international experiences with UN HQ in New York and Geneva and as the first Director from Bhutan at the Bay of Bengal Initiative for multi-sectorial, Technical & Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC). Mr. Kunzang is zealous about serving the community and children/persons with disabilities in Bhutan. Mr. Kunzang N Tshering joined ABS in May 2022.

Sangay Rinchen
Accounts and Administration officer
Mr. Sangay Rinchen completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Kurukshetra University, India 2015. He joined as Accounts and Administration Officer in 2017. Previously he had worked at National Land Commission of Bhutan.
Email: sangayrinchen0182@gmail.com

Chey Chey
Adm./HR Officer
Ms. Chey Chey has completed her Master’s Degree in Management with specialization in Human Resource Management from Murdoch University in 2020 and Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Gedu College of Business Studies in 2013. She has also completed her six-month certificate course in Community Initiatives in Inclusion from Mumbai in 2016.She joined ABS in February 2015. Besides, Adm/HR she has been trained in project management, fundraising and communication. She has also volunteered at Draktsho Vocational Center for Special Youth and Children and worked as an interim research assistant with SNV (Netherlands Development Organization), Bhutan before joining ABS.
Email: cchey75@gmail.com

Namgay Dorji
Program/Project Manager
Mr. Namgay Dorji completed Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology from Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar University. He joined ABS in 2012 and is one of the senior most personnel at Ability Bhutan Society. He has completed six month training in social inclusion in Japan. He has also been trained in leadership management, project development and management.
Email: namgayleo@gmail.com

Namgay Om
Social Worker
Ms. Namagy Om completed her higher Secondary education from Punakha Higher Secondary School in 2012. She joined ABS in 2015 as a Social worker. She has been trained in Counseling, early intervention, Child development, Understanding Autism, child protection, Speech, Inclusion and Inclusive education. Recently she have completed certificate course in Community Imitative in Inclusion from ADAPT(Able Disabled All People together), Mumbai, Bhutan.
Email: namgayom123@gmail.com

Bishnu Maya Gurung
Social Worker
Bishnu Maya Gurung completed her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Dr.MGR, University of Madras Chennai in 2013. She joined ABS in 2013 as a Social Worker. She has been trained in C4CD (Care for Child Development), Counseling, early intervention, pranic healing, Inclusion and Inclusive education. She has also completed her one year fellowship training at Anderson Center for Autism, New York, sponsored by Bhutan Foundation. She had interned at RENEW before joining ABS.
Email: bishnugurung03@gmail.com

Chajay Rinzin
Social Worker
Mr. Chajay Rinzin Completed his higher secondary education from Reldri Higher Secondary School in 2010. He joined ABS in 2013 as a Social Worker. He has been trained in C4CD (care for child development), early intervention, child development, understanding Autism, speech, special Olympic, special education, inclusion and inclusive education. He has also worked with Simply Bhutan as assistant administration, guide and photographer.
Email: choegyelrinzin11@gmail.com

Pema Yuden
Social Worker
Ms. Pema Yuden completed her higher secondary education from Tenzin Higher Secondary School in 2011. She joined ABS in 2013 as a Social worker. She has been trained in C4CD (Care for Child Development), Counseling, early intervention, Child development, Understanding Autism, counseling, services for wheelchair users, child protection, Inclusion and Inclusive education. She has also undergone training in sales and marketing. She had done her internship with Ministry of Education before joining ABS.
Email: pemayuden99@gmail.com