10th Royal Wedding Anniversary

Along with the support from international development partners and individuals, both within Bhutan and outside, ABS has provided inclusive development programmes for persons with disabilities within various Dzongkhags. Other services at the grassroots level include creating awareness on the importance of early identification and interventions for disabilities. We strive to make a difference for children with disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and other disabilities. All these services to the children and their parents would not have been possible without the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty The Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck.
On this special occasion of the 10th Royal Wedding Anniversary, Ability Bhutan Society family would like to offer our heartfelt gratitude to Their Majesties for being our source of inspiration to serve and to reach every child with disability, across the country. The staff of ABS are deeply honored to serve the noble vision under the guidance of our Board of Trustees and the visionary leadership of Her Majesty The Queen of Bhutan.

Ability Bhutan Society Family offers our prayers for the well-being and happiness of Their Majesties on the auspicious occasion of the 10th Royal Wedding Anniversary.